Overseeing your Appointed Representatives

We hosted a webinar for principal firms about the Appointed Representatives (AR) regime on Wednesday 24 April 2024 from 10.00am to 11.30am.
We gave an update on the AR regime and how we are using data to inform our supervisory approach, and shared some findings from our current work. We are currently embedding the rules we introduced in 2022 to improve how you oversee your ARs.
The webinar was designed to help reinforce understanding of your ongoing obligations, and give you the chance to ask us any questions.
As well as principal firms of any size, the webinar recording will be of interest to professional advisers.
Speakers included:

Matt Brewis
Director of Insurance, FCA

Toby Hall
Head of Department, Appointed Representatives, FCA

Rachel West
Head of Department, Authorisations, FCA