Implementing the outcomes of the Future Regulatory Framework (FRF) Review

We are preparing to implement the outcomes of the Treasury’s Future Regulatory Framework (FRF) Review, once the Financial Services and Markets Bill becomes law. This is a key strategic commitment for the FCA, as set out in our Strategy and our 2022/23 Business Plan.
Together with the Treasury and the other regulatory authorities, we will begin the transfer of firm-facing provisions from retained EU law to the regulators’ rulebooks. We will also continue to adapt to changes to the legislative and regulatory framework within which we operate, including changes to our objectives, regulatory principles, and accountability arrangements.
On Thursday 23 March we hosted a webinar explaining our programme of work and what it means for you and your organisation. We discussed the transfer of retained EU law, the new secondary objective on competitiveness and international growth, the updated cost benefit analysis processes, and rule review. We responded to your pre-submitted and live questions.
The webinar was chaired by Alexander Smith, Head of Cross-Cutting Policy and Strategy alongside a panel of speakers including
- Martin Boffey, Head of the International, Governance & Operations Department, General Counsel’s Division
- Helen Boyd, Head of Infrastructure and Exchanges
- Haris Irshad, Deputy Chief Economist
- Graeme Reynolds, Director of Consumers and Competition
- Greg Sachrajda, Interim Director, Consumers and Competition
The purpose of the webinar was to enable understanding of the steps we are taking to implement the FRF outcomes for the benefit of both industry and consumers.